Author - Dr. Swati Suradkar

Can using roll-on deodorant increase breast cancer risk? Expert answers

A number of scientific studies have been conducted to find out the link between use of deodorant and breast cancer risk. But here’s what expert told News9

Can using roll-on deodorant increase breast cancer risk? Expert answers

Breast cancer is the leading health concern across the world (Photo Credit: Pexels)

Breast cancer is a major concern for women worldwide. The rising cases of the disease are leading to various questions and myths about its causes. One of the common rumours people talk about is that the use of underarm deodorant rollers and antiperspirant may increase the risk of breast cancer in women. The misconception sprang out as a result of worries about parabens and aluminium compounds, two common components in deodorants. Some people also contend that these compounds can enter the body through the skin, notably, the underarm region, build up in the breast tissue, and cause the growth of cancerous cells.

In order to shed light and understand this we spoke to Dr Swati Suradkar, Consultant Breast Surgeon, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune, who said, “The incidence of Breast Cancer is rapidly rising all over the world. Though the awareness about breast cancer is increasing in society, there are also many Myths and Misconceptions about this cancer among women. One of the common rumours is that the use of underarm deodorant rollers and antiperspirant may increase the risk of breast cancer in women.”

Theories behind the Myth

Dr Suradkar explained, “The reason for this concern is due to the use of Aluminum compounds and Paraben as an ingredient in these skin care products which are applied to the area near the breast. Aluminium compounds are common ingredients of antiperspirants and many skin care products. Aluminum is said to cause chronic irritation of the skin and blockage of sweat glands. Because of this, it is absorbed through the skin. But the quantity absorbed through the skin is much smaller than its toxic dose. No scientific evidence is found to associate it with the increased risk of breast cancer.”

“Paraben is used as a preservative in many skin care products. Lab studies have shown that it has weak estrogen-like properties. Estrogen is a female hormone which is commonly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Although Parabens have weak estrogen activity, the estrogen produced in the body is a hundred to thousand times stronger. Studies in people have not shown any direct link between Parabens and breast cancer,” she added.

So the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) and American Cancer Society ( ACS ) say that there are no strong studies or scientific evidence linking breast cancer risk with the use of deodorants and antiperspirants.

• Increasing age
• Obesity
• No children/first child after 35
• Early menarche/late menopause
• No breastfeeding
• Hormone replacement therapy/Birth control pills
• No physical activity
• Alcohol consumption/smoking
• Chemicals in the environment
• Positive Family history
• Genetic mutations


Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Early detection can save lives, know importance of recognising symptoms

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Early detection can save lives, know importance of recognising symptoms
Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the breast grow out of control, know risk factors of breast cancer recurrence (Photo credit: Pexels)

New Delhi: Breast cancer is one most common cancers in the world that is usually detected after symptoms appear. A study conducted by AIIMS shows India saw a sudden jump of 35.9 per cent in breast cancer cases in the last seven years. This is a concerning number, which needs urgent attention and here comes the role of practising awareness for early detection.

Dr Swati Suradkar Consultant Breast Surgeon at Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune told News9, “Breast cancer is a significant health concern, especially in developing nations like India, where it constitutes nearly a quarter of all female cancers in urban areas. While traditionally associated with women over 40, there’s a rising trend of diagnoses in younger individuals. Detecting it early greatly increases the chances of a complete cure, with screening mammography playing a crucial role. All women need to be aware of potential signs and symptoms.”

“A key indicator is the possibility of a breast lump. Though not all lumps are cancerous, any newly discovered, painless lump should be thoroughly examined. Cancerous lumps often have irregular shapes and are immobile, and firm. However, they can also be rounded and cause discomfort. Unfortunately, painless lumps might lead to delayed medical attention until they grow significantly or exhibit concerning features like nipple discharge, swelling, ulcers, or bleeding. Consulting a specialist promptly upon noticing a painless, enlarging lump is crucial for early detection and better chances of successful treatment,” said Dr Suradkar.

Early signs of breast cancer

Changes in the skin over the breast can also provide important indicators. These may appear as dimpling, tethering, swelling, redness, ulceration, or nodules. While these changes are typically associated with advanced stages, early breast cancer can present with skin tethering. Sometimes redness and swelling might be mistaken for breast infections, especially in pregnant and lactating women, leading to delayed diagnosis. Inflammatory Breast Cancer is a particularly aggressive form that causes extensive redness and swelling, requiring early diagnosis and immediate intervention.

Importance of early screening

In cases where breast cancer shows no symptoms or is in its early stages, screening mammography is crucial for detection. Therefore, all women aged 40 and above, and those with a family history of breast cancer, should undergo regular mammograms. For women under 40, breast sonography is recommended. Suspicious lumps should be confirmed through biopsy for an accurate diagnosis.

To sum up, being vigilant, recognizing warning signs, and seeking prompt medical attention for concerning symptoms are crucial for early detection and successful treatment of breast cancer. Regular screenings, especially for those at higher risk, are invaluable for timely intervention and ultimately improving outcomes in the battle against breast cancer


Spotting trouble: 10 red flags that could signal breast cancer

With October observed as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an expert details out what you must look out for to detect breast cancer early
Women over 40 are recommended to go for regular mammography for prevention and early detection of breast cancer,
Women over 40 are recommended to go for regular mammography for prevention and early detection of breast cancer, (Unsplash/National Cancer Institute)
By Dr. Swati Suradkar


Breast cancer continues to be a pervasive issue among women globally, with a particularly high prevalence in developing countries like India. It stands as the most common cancer, constituting nearly 25% of all female cancers in India’s urban areas. Traditionally associated with women over the age of 40, breast cancer is increasingly being diagnosed in younger individuals as well. Detecting breast cancer in its early stages offers a high likelihood of complete cure, and screening mammography plays a crucial role in achieving this. It is essential for all women to remain vigilant and familiarize themselves with potential warning signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Here are 10 signs to look out for:

Lumps in the breast: A significant indicator of breast cancer is the presence of a lump in the breast. Although not all breast lumps are cancerous, any newly discovered painless lump should be thoroughly investigated to rule out the possibility of breast cancer. Cancerous lumps are often irregular in shape, immobile, and firm to the touch, usually devoid of pain. In some cases, these lumps can vary in size and texture, presenting as hard masses or thickened areas. It’s crucial for individuals to conduct regular self-examinations, feeling for any abnormal lumps or changes in the breast tissue.

Prompt reporting of any findings to a healthcare professional is essential for early detection and timely intervention. Additionally, routine screenings such as mammograms and ultrasounds, play a crucial role in detecting and confirming the presence of these lumps, enabling appropriate diagnosis and treatment planning.



The term “breast cancer” refers to a malignant tumor that has generated from cells in the breast. Normally, breast cancer either starts in the cells of the lobules, which are the milk-producing glands or the ducts, the passages that drain milk from the lobules to the nipple.

Breast Surgeon in Pune



If precancerous cells are found within the milk ducts, it’s called non-invasive breast cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Stage 0 breast cancer can grow beyond the ducts. Lumpectomy plus radiation therapy is enough in many cases.

In a lumpectomy, the surgeon separates the cancerous cells and spares the rest of the breast. A “plain mastectomy” is the surgical elimination of the breast. Surgery to reconstruct the breast can begin at the time of the mastectomy or a later date.

Radiation is a type of targeted therapy. It’s normally prescribed following lumpectomy for stage 0 breast cancers. High-energy X-rays are used to destroy cancer cells, prevent them from spreading, and lower the risk of recurrence.

Your Brest Surgeon will probably recommend hormone therapy if you’ve had a lumpectomy for estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) or progesterone receptor-positive (PR+) breast cancer. Oral hormone procedures are generally prescribed to lower the risk of developing invasive breast cancer.

Hormone treatment isn’t always prescribed for women who have had a mastectomy for stage 0 breast cancer.



Stage 1A breast cancer means the primary tumor is 2 centimeters or smaller and the lymph nodes are not affected. In stage 1B, there is no tumor in the breast, or it’s less than 2 centimeters and cancer is found in axillary lymph nodes. Surgery and one or more adjuvant treatments may be advised.

Lumpectomy and mastectomy are both possibilities for stage 1 breast cancer. For mastectomy, the rebuilding of the breast can begin at the same time or after extra treatment is completed. Radiation treatment is often suggested after surgery for stage 1 breast cancer. It may not be required for women over 70 years old, especially if hormone treatment is possible.

Hormone treatment may be suggested for hormone receptor-positive breast cancers, regardless of tumor size.

Chemotherapy isn’t always needed for early-stage breast cancers, especially if they can be treated with hormone therapy.



In stage 2A, the tumor is less than 2 centimeters and has grown to nearby lymph nodes. Or it’s between 2 and 5 centimeters and hasn’t spread to lymph nodes. Stage 2B means the tumor is between 2 and 5 centimeters and has spread to nearby lymph nodes. Or it’s larger than 5 centimeters and hasn’t spread beyond the breast. You’ll probably need a combination of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and/or hormone treatment.

Lumpectomy and mastectomy may both be options depending on the size and location of the tumor. A revised radical mastectomy is a removal of the breast including chest muscles. Radiation therapy targets any remaining cancer cells in the chest and/or lymph nodes.

In Chemotherapy, strong drugs are passed intravenously over many weeks or months.

After all other procedure is complete, you may benefit from continued treatment for ER+, PR+, and HER2+ breast cancers. Oral medications are generally prescribed for five years.



Stage 3A breast cancer means that cancer has developed to four to nine axillary (armpit) lymph nodes, or has enlarged the internal mammary lymph nodes. The primary tumor may be any size.

It can also mean the tumor is larger than 5 centimeters, and small groups of cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes. Finally, stage 3A can also add tumors larger than 5 centimeters in size with the involvement of one to three axillary lymph nodes or any breastbone nodes.

Stage 3B means a breast tumor has invaded the chest wall or skin and may or may not have invaded up to nine lymph nodes. Stage 3C means the cancer is found in 10 or more axillary lymph nodes, lymph nodes near the collarbone, or internal mammary nodes.

Treatment for stage 3 breast cancers is similar to that of stage 2.



Stage 4 indicates that breast cancer has spread to a distant part of the body. Breast cancer most often grows to the lungs, brain, liver, or bones. Aggressive systemic treatment is the main treatment. Depending on your type of breast cancer, you’ll probably have chemotherapy and one or more targeted therapies. The number and location of tumors determine your surgical options.


Breast Cancer Risk Factor

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer found in women, across India. Also though it can happen in men also, its incidence is higher in women only. Breast cancer may occur in the epithelial lining of the milk ducts. The cancer information programs have helped in decreasing the mortality rates in women.

Breast Surgeon in Pune


Risk factors for breast cancer:

Family pre-disposition: If a family member has grown breast cancer in the past, or currently has breast cancer, women in that immediate family have a higher risk for breast cancer.

Age: With years passing by, the risk of breast cancer rises. Most cases of breast cancer are detected in women over 40, though the number of younger women growing breast cancer is currently on the rise.

Reproductive and menstrual history: Women who experienced their first menstrual cycle before age 12, had their menopause after age 55, and/or never had children have raised the risk.

Bodyweight: People who are obese or overweight face a higher chance of acquiring breast cancer than those who weigh normal.

Diet: A high-fat diet raises the chance of breast cancer. Fat triggers the hormone estrogen that fuels tumor growth. Eat a low-fat, nutritious diet. Fill your food including lots of fruits and vegetables.


Alcohol consumption: Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol raise the risk of cancer.

Signs of breast cancer:


  • Painless lump in the breast
  • Dimpling of skin over the breast
  • Rash or ulcer over the nipple
  • In-drawing of the nipple or inverted nipple
  • Blood stained discharge through the nipple
  • Lump or fullness in the armpit

If any of these variations are found during self-examination, then one should discuss their Breast Surgeon. Please remember that early detection increases the chances of a complete cure.

How does the doctor diagnose breast cancer?

When you see a Breast Surgeon for a lump in the breast, he would check your breast completely. It may not always be possible for him to say what the lump is? He may go some tests to be sure about the character of the lump.


The tests commonly used are –

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) or biopsy: This includes taking out a few cells from the lump with a thin needle and examining them under a microscope.

Mammography: This is a special type of X-ray of the breast to identify any unusual growth in the breast. It provides the oncologist to assess the nature of the tumor in the affected breast and ascertain whether there is any abnormality in the other breast.

Other tests: The Breast Surgeon may also ask for other tests like a chest X-ray, abdominal sonography, bone scan, and PET scan. These are wanted to see if cancer has spread in the rest of the body.

What are the various treatment options?

breast cancer treatment in pune

The breast surgeon chooses the treatment modality after many factors like stage & pathology of cancer and your overall health status. Hence a couple of patients in the same stage may receive several treatments. The available treatment options are:

  •       Surgery: There are various surgical methods such as lumpectomy, mammaplasty, tissue expansion, lymph node dissection, & mastectomy. Lumpectomy is also called breast conversation operation or partial mastectomy. The above operations in combination with breast remodeling surgery can help women to develop the look of the breast.


  •       Radiotherapy: can be delivered before or after the operation. The program or regimen for radiation therapy (radiotherapy) is determined, usually given every day for a set number of weeks. Based on the extent of exposure wanted, there are partial breast irradiation, intensity-modulated radiation therapy.


  •       Systemic therapy: Early and locally advanced breast cancer are handled with systemic therapy which is of 3 types: chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and targeted therapy.


  •       Chemotherapy: is the use of anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells. A chemotherapy regimen consists of a particular number of cycles over a set period of time.

If you have any problems with your own treatment don’t be afraid to ask your doctor. It is always better that you make a list of your queries before you see the doctor. The procedure differs with stage, age, pathology, and other factors. Hence, do not compare your treatment with others. Ensure that you are thoroughly counseled regarding surgical options – chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. 

When to meet breast surgeon?

Any cancer can be cured completely if it is diagnosed early. Therefore if a person notices any type of symptoms he/she should meet a breast cancer specialist. Dr. Swati Suradkar has great experience in breast surgery. 


Being Aware is the key to survival

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer found in women, across India. Even though it can occur in men also, its incidence is higher in women only. Breast cancer may arise in the epithelial lining of the milk ducts. The cancer awareness programs have helped in reducing the mortality rates in women.

Breast Surgeon in Pune



Breast cancer is characterized by the lump in the breast or thickened area in the breast, discharge from the breast, the dimple of the breast, peeling and scaling of the breast skin, and redness of nipple and breast. Breast cancer in many is without pain; however, the bulge and breast skin changes may require immediate attention.



Breast cancer is marked by abnormal cell growth, which forms a lump or mass in the milk-producing ducts (invasive ductal carcinoma) or the lobules (invasive lobular carcinoma) or in the cells or tissues of the breast. Though the exact causes of breast cancer are unknown, it is considered as the fall-out of each individual’s genetic makeup and the environment. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the two breast and ovarian cancer-causing genes that have been identified.


Risk factors and complications

Breast cancer is usually seen in elderly women and those with a family history of cancer. Those women, who have never been pregnant and those who had children post 35 are considered to be greatly prone to breast cancer. Lifestyle and personal habits also contribute to the lower or higher incidence of breast cancer in women.


Tests and diagnosis

A simple breast examination goes a long way in keeping breast cancer in check. Checking the breast for possible lumps or abnormalities helps in the early diagnosis of breast cancer and allows for customized treatment. Mammograms are recommended by doctors to confirm the presence of lumps in the breast. A mammogram is an X-ray that helps to detect breast abnormalities. Breast Ultrasound also helps in a proper diagnosis of breast cancer. It distinguishes between the solid mass and the fluid-filled cyst of the breast.


The doctor may also advise a biopsy for the extraction of breast tissues. The biopsy helps to determine the type of cancer cells, stage of cancer, the presence of hormone receptors that may influence breast cancer’s treatment. In addition to biopsy, the consulting doctor may also refer the patient for an MRI, to create pictures of the interior of the breast.



The course of treatment depends on the stage of cancer. Breast cancer’s stages range from 0 to 4. During the starting stage, cancerous cells are limited to the milk ducts. In stage 4, which is also called metastatic breast cancer, the cancer cells spread to other parts of the body. The breast cancer treatment process includes chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and radiation.


Breast cancer surgery is of different types. Lumpectomy refers to the removal of the tumor and the surrounding healthy tissues. Mastectomy refers to the removal of the entire breast tissue that includes lobules, ducts, fatty tissue, nipple, and areola.


Radiation therapy helps in killing the cancer cells of the breast. Radiation therapy may be recommended after mastectomy and for breast cancers that spread to the lymph nodes. Chemotherapy or cancer drugs are administered to patients before and after the surgery. Hormone therapy or hormone-blocking therapy is used to treat breast cancers that are sensitive to hormones.


Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Survival Rate

Breast cancer is a deceptive disease. It not only affects the person diagnosed but also the whole family.  Breast cancer accounts for just about 23% of all cancers on a global basis but the survival rate has gone through a dramatic shift and now is around eighty-five percent, although it does depend on which kind of breast cancer it is. Many people think that breast cancer occurs only in ladies. But this is not the case. It can happen men as well, however, it is around a hundred times commoner in ladies. It could be a distressing diagnosis for men as they often can feel stigmatized by the illness. Unfortunately, they sometimes wait longer to get diagnosed, and this leads on to a worse diagnosis.

Breast Cancer Treatment Approach

There are lots of approaches for dealing with breast cancer over time.  Treatment of breast cancer is as follows:

  1. Key treatment is breast mastectomy. These surgeries got progressively more and more radical until at one time the radical mastectomy included removing parts of the collarbone and ribs. Luckily as there were developments in medicine, these barbarous practices were stopped.
  2. Chemo is the following step in treatment and led on to enhancements in survival rates and remission. The most recent systematic discovery dealt with genes- both in the detection and impedance of the illness as well as the treating of it. Certain genes were identified as being related to breast cancer and women with these markers often make a decision to have peremptory mastectomies. There also are gene treatments for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, and these treatments are luckily not toxic like chemo is.

But the Most Recent Stories to Come Out on Breast Cancer is Perhaps the Most Superb of All. A study revealed in the Lancet Oncology explains there are breast cancers that actually just vanish on their lonesome. The study concerned 650,000 Swedish women who were screened for breast cancer between the years 1986 to 1990. The study proved that some tumors found through the screenings just started to shrink and vanish when left alone. This is the 1st time that a study actually left cancers alone when they were spotted. This is somehow a healing skin process. Generally, any type of cancer found in a breast is instantly removed surgically and often also treated with chemical treatment. This has been done with a woman’s health in mind to rid her body of the carcinoma, but it implies little research has been done on the natural progression of breast growth.

When to meet breast surgeon?

Any cancer can be cured completely if it is diagnosed early. Therefore if a person notices any type of symptoms he/she should meet a breast cancer specialist. Dr. Swati Suradkar has great experience of breast surgery. She the best Breast Surgeon in Pune. She is the best for breast cancer treatment in Pune.


Breast Cancer Awareness and Common Causes.

Hello, here we are going to discuss breast cancer. As a breast surgeon in Pune, I understand women’s health problems. Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in women and the fifth most common cause of death caused by cancer after lung cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer. Every single year, it accounts for 1% of the deaths that occur every single year in the world. For example, in 2005, 502,000 people died because of breast cancer. That made up 7% of the deaths caused by cancer and 1% of all deaths in the world.

Unfortunately for women in the United States, it is the second biggest cancer killer (after lung cancer) and affects one in eight women. One in thirty-three women in the United States will die from breast cancer. Unfortunately, these numbers are increasing.


Breast Cancer Rates are on the Increase.

Ever since the 1970s, the number of breast cancer cases has begun steadily increasing. The belief, according to doctors, is the lifestyle at which women in the western part of the world live. However, this is not the only cause of it and other causes could simply be environmental. Doctors are not exactly sure why the cells of the breast tissue begin to mutate and mitosis becomes irregular. All they do know is that since the 1970s, it has begun to increase steadily and they play it partially on the lifestyles of the women.

Common causes of Breast Cancer

Some of the causes that doctors do believe cause breast cancer are: hereditary (genetics), age, gender (male or female), diet, alcohol consumption, and obesity. The saying is very simple: if you are healthy, you will be healthy. Alcohol is bad for the body and can cause damage to the cells. Cause too much damage to a cell and it can become mutated which could lead to a growth of some sort or a tumor. Obesity also plays a part in it because it was found that a woman that gained 22lbs after entering menopause increased her chances of getting breast cancer by eighteen percent. It has been found that smoking can cause breast cancer; radiation to the chest, and hormones can also cause breast cancer. It is very simple. If things are changed around in the body and the levels of hormones in the body are altered, the body begins to change its methods of working. If cells mitotic speed changes, it could become altered enough to mutate, which is the starting sign of a tumor.

The thing to remember about breast cancer that is commonly forgotten is that the tissue of the breast is identical whether it is a man or woman. Because of this, a man can have breast cancer; however, it is a lot less common in men. Breast cancer can be found in men and women. It can kill both men and women. There are ways to lower your risks about it; however, anyone can get breast cancer, just like anyone can get any cancer. A cancer is simply a mutation of the cells, and if this is not controlled, it can cause death to the person.



My self Dr.Swati Suradkar Fellowship – Breast Surgery, Trained at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. Now working in a various hospital as a Breast Surgeon in Pune. I am always ready to provide breast cancer treatment in Pune. Feel free to contact me for any kind of breast cancer problems.


Breast Surgeon

Dr. Swati Suradkar rehearses at Noble Hospital in Pune. Dr. Swati Suradkar works in the bureau of Oncosurgery and her capabilities are MBBS, DNB-GenSurg. She is best Breast Surgeon in Pune.
She is the author individual from Breast Friends-a care group for bosom growth patients. She is enthusiastically given to the reason for bosom malignancy and is working effectively to enhance the care of patients.
She is a brilliant speaker and a productive author and has numerous national and universal distributions in peer-assessed logical diaries. She is effectively engaged with spreading mindfulness about bosom disease by holding CMEs, talks, discussions and so forth.

breast surgeon in Pune

Dr. Arun Suradkar is a General Physician from Pune having the colossal work involvement in his field. Dr. Arun Suradkar has finished his formal restorative training in MBBS and MD (Internal Medicine) through B.J.Medical College,Pune and Govt.Medical College, Nagpur individually.
By and by working,(Since Sept.2014– till date) As “Counseling Physician” at Columbia Asia Hospital, Kharadi,Pune

General Physician

Our Services:

Diabetes, frequently alluded to by specialists as diabetes mellitus, portrays a gathering of metabolic ailments in which the individual has high blood (glucose), either in light of the fact that insulin creation is lacking, or in light of the fact that the body’s phones don’t react appropriately to insulin, or both. Patients with high glucose will commonly encounter polyuria (visit pee), they will turn out to be progressively parched  and hungry.

Symptoms of Diabetes:
Expanded yearning
Obscured vision
Injuries that don’t mend
Expanded thirst and pee
Deadness or shivering in the feet or hands
Unexplained weight reduction

Asthma and Respiratory Diseases:
Many people with asthma have other lung diseases as well. It is common for asthma to overlap with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in older adults. One study looked at people ages 50 years and older with obstructive lung disease. The results showed that up to half have been diagnosed with two or more lung diseases. Most people with asthma experience a tight feeling in the chest, shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing at some point in their life. Asthma is a life-threatening disease, but it can be managed to minimize symptoms so people living with asthma can be active and healthy. Working in partnership with a healthcare provider is key to successfully managing asthma.
Common asthma symptoms when your asthma is not well-controlled include a tight feeling in the chest, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. It’s important to recognize these signs and talk to your doctor so you can be symptom-free, active and healthy.
People with bronchiectasis have permanently widened airways. Long-term inflammation of the airways causes bronchiectasis. Some people are born with it, others develop it because of recurring infections.

Thyroid disorders are conditions that affect the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck. The thyroid has important roles to regulate numerous metabolic processes throughout the body. Different types of thyroid disorders affect either its structure or function. The thyroid gland is located on the front part of the neck below the thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple). The gland produces thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolic rate (how fast calories are consumed to produce energy). Thyroid hormones are important in regulating body energy, body temperature.

Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy:
Recently analyzed hypothyroidism in pregnancy is uncommon on the grounds that most ladies with untreated hypothyroidism don’t ovulate or deliver develop eggs in a normal way, which makes it troublesome for them to consider.
It is a troublesome new analysis to mention in view of clinical objective fact. The signs and indications of hypothyroidism (exhaustion, poor capacity to focus, weight pick up, deadness, and shivering of the hands or feet) are additionally noticeable side effects of a typical pregnancy.
Undiscovered hypothyroidism amid pregnancy expands the shot of stillbirth or development hindrance of the baby. It additionally builds the possibility that the mother may encounter confusions of pregnancy, for example, iron deficiency, eclampsia, and placental suddenness.

Critical Illness :
Care of the basically sick patient is ending up progressively unpredictable. Conventions, which institutionalize care of patients with comparative maladies, speak to a potential answer for dealing with numerous concurrent issues in basically sick patients. In this article, we inspect the focal points and hindrances to mind protocolization and place that watchful and astute execution of conventions is probably going to profit patients. We likewise talk about the potential for unintended results, and even damage, with protocolization in fundamentally sick patients utilizing the Critical Illness Outcomes Study as a model to inspect the impacts of protocolization in vast populaces of escalated mind patients.

Heart Diseases and Hypertension:
Hypertension is another name for hypertension. It can prompt serious entanglements and builds the danger of coronary illness, stroke, and demise.
Pulse is the power applied by the blood against the dividers of the veins. The weight relies upon the work being finished by the heart and the opposition of the veins.
Coronary illness depicts a scope of conditions that influence your heart. Illnesses under the coronary illness umbrella incorporate vein infections, for example, coronary conduit sickness; heart cadence issues (arrhythmias); and heart surrenders you’re conceived with (intrinsic heart deserts), among others.
The expression “coronary illness” is regularly utilized reciprocally with the expression “cardiovascular sickness.” Cardiovascular malady for the most part alludes to conditions that include limited or blocked veins that can prompt a heart assault, chest torment (angina) or stroke. Other heart conditions, for example, those that influence your heart’s muscle, valves or cadence, additionally are thought about types of coronary illness.

Breast Cancer Surgery:
Breast Cancer is the most widely recognized growth among ladies, after skin tumor. One out of eight ladies in the United States (about 12%) will create Breast Cancer in her lifetime. It is likewise the second driving reason for disease passing in ladies after lung malignancy. Enthusiastically, the passing rate from Breast Cancer has declined a bit as of late, maybe because of more prominent mindfulness and screening for this kind of disease, and also better medicines.

Breast growth is an ailment that happens when cells in Breast tissue change (or transform) and continue imitating. These anomalous cells as a rule group together to shape a tumor. A tumor is carcinogenic (or threatening) when these irregular cells attack different parts of the bosom or when they spread (or metastasize) to different regions of the body through the circulation system or lymphatic framework, a system of vessels and hubs in the body that assumes a part in battling contamination.

Breast Conservation Surgery:
Breast-conserving surgery (BCS) is an operation to remove the cancer while leaving as much normal breast as possible. Some surrounding healthy tissue and lymph nodes are usually also removed. How much of the breast is removed depends on the size and location of the tumor and other factors. Breast-conserving surgery is sometimes called lumpectomy,
Mastectomy :
Mastectomy is the removal of the whole breast. There are five different types of mastectomy: “simple” or “total” mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, radical mastectomy, partial mastectomy, and nipple-sparing mastectomy. Nipple-sparing mastectomy
During nipple-sparing mastectomy, all of the breast tissue is removed, but the nipple is left alone.

Cosmetic Breast Surgery:
The awareness about cosmetic aspect of the breast is rapidly increasing in the society. Due to modern advances in the surgical technique, it is now possible to enhance the cosmetic aspect of the breast with the help of cosmetic breast surgery.

Augmentation Mamoplasty(Silicon Implant)
There are two main types of mammoplasty: Augmentation mammoplasty is commonly performed to increase the size, change the shape, and/or alter the texture of the breasts. This usually involves the surgical implantation of breast implant devices.

Benign Breast Diseases:
Benign breast conditions are exceptionally normal and most bosom changes are not malignancy.
Ladies’ bosoms are continually experiencing change, from the season of their advancement, through pregnancy and the menopause. This is a direct result of the fluctuating levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone in your body.
Most bosom changes are probably going to be ordinary or due to a considerate (not tumor) bosom condition. Some kind bosom conditions may cause issues and need treatment, however this isn’t generally the case. In any case, on the off chance that you see any change that is abnormal for you, it is essential to visit your GP.

Dr. Swati Suradkar has an experience in working with hospitals like Noble Hospital, Ruby Hall Clinic, Sahyadri Hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital, Shree Hospital in Pune. She has also worked as a consultant in General Surgery and Breast Diseases.She is participate any many social activities Like Free Check up Camps and Mamography Camps for Detection of Breast Cancer Organized by Noble Hospitals and Shree Hospitals, she gives Lectures on Breast Cancer for general Practitioners and Lectures on Breast Cancer Awareness for Common Public organized by Rotary Club and Others.