Malignant Breast Cancer

If a tumour is found to be malignant, you have breast cancer or another form of cancer. Malignant tumours are aggressive and will spread to other surrounding tissues. When a tumour is identified, your doctor may recommend a biopsy to identify how advanced the cancer is and how severe it is.

Malignant Tumors and Other Cancers :

While a malignant tumour may be first identified and diagnosed with breast cancer, it can develop into something else.

If a malignant tumour sheds cells into your bloodstream or lymph system, those cells will carry cancer to other parts of the body, which may include:

  • bone
  • skin
  • lungs
  • liver
  • brain
  • lymph nodesmargins[1]

Treating Malignant Tumors :

Once a malignant tumour has been diagnosed in the breast, your doctor will recommend a treatment plan tailored to your unique situation. This plan could include surgery, hormone therapy, radiation, and chemotherapy:

  • Surgery: The doctor will remove cancerous tissue from the affected area. How effective surgical procedures are is dependent on the type of cancer and its severity.
  • Hormone Therapy: Medications may be prescribed to help lower hormone levels.
  • Radiation: High-energy rays are used to kill cancerous cells in a specific area. It is typically administered externally, however, there are internal methods as well.
  • Chemotherapy: This therapy includes the use of a chemo agent to kill cancerous cells. You may receive chemotherapy through an infusion directly into your bloodstream. The drugs travel through your body and attack the affected area.

Malignant tumours are serious growths that require serious medical intervention. Regular screenings and annual visits to your doctor will not prevent cancer from developing but will identify cancer early on.